Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3 days to blast off!

It's 3 days to blast off and the list is still mounting. Not a single solitary thing is packed ! Bonsai tree is safely @ the nursery for babysitting. Easter baskets goodies are all stored and waiting for the bunny to deliver. List is at least made for packing! Box of essentials is sent off to LA and I actually took a day off from practice ( much to Jim's dismay) to try to get a very few things done! Now if I can only get a few more done today!
Why do I think I'm going to wake up tomorrow and it's going to be Saturday!
Everybody together feet together on the line......

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ask and it is given!

Know me and know I was worried about a roomate! Would I get a 20 year old partier that came in at 2 am on Saturday night when I was so enjoying my precious SLEEP! or worse yet a SLOB! Would the Felix Unger Oscar Madison war ensue? Would I get someone who was too young to know who they were? No NO trust the universe to handle that. I'm going to get someone who's intentions are perfectly aligned with mine. I know it. Translation someone my age who's there to practice the yoga, get some SLEEP and yeah sure have a laugh or two- or ten!
BINGO facebook to the rescue. On the last day for roomate requests the good ole universe delivered.
Welcome Devra Mattes to my Bikram TT experience- (and me to hers!) and my life to the 9 weeks!
Teacher Training!

CPR First aid and Talula

Well I decided that I roll the dice and go for my CPR/ first aid here in good ole' Fort Myers . Hoping that if I get that one out of the way, I MIGHT have a free afternoon in LA. Somehow I'm feeling ahhhhh. NO. Always expect the unexpected when it comes to Bikram Teacher Training. Like- if you know your dialogue going in, then ya just might have to deliver in while IN a whole other pose OR in the voice of say Darth Vader or another character decided upon by the teachers on the spot as "homework" to challenge you.
So Somehow I think my whole " afternoon off " idea may not work out. But oh well, it's done.
Yesterday Jim decided that we were going to just rip through all the postures from Half moon on. "Sure... Ah. Ok"
 More like " Ok?"  I said.
I was totally dead cold because I had the ultimalte migraine the day before.
Not " oh I have a migraine, migraine"
I laugh when people say that.
" If you HAD a migraine . You wouldn't be able to tell me you  HAD a migraine. That's how BAD I get them!
In the dark, on the bathroom floor, in the fetal positon, praying for death. That's what I get!So needless to say I hadn't looked at my dialouge in a couple of days.
Trust the process- right?
Dove right in. Thinking that, that darn standing bow pulling is going to get me I JUST KNOW IT.
WTF!! I ALWAYS know that!
It went poof!
Ahhh. " this posture is only ten seconds"
Which by the way is the biggest lie in Bikam yoga! LOL
and then it was gone. Including the sanskrtit name which I can never say. I always want to call it Tulula. Like the girls name. It sounds better to me.
I guess you just never know what's gonna getcha!
But one thing I learned is BOY it's parching to keep all that talking up!
Back to the drawing board!
" Balancing Stick Tuladandasana"......